NOTE: Entry forms for 2023 GPAM Art Talent Contest are now due by June 22nd. Bring forms and entry fees made out to NDGW Grand Parlor to Stockton. Please email the State Chair and let her know you will be submitting an entry.


To encourage the interest of students and the general public in California landmarks and colorful history of California.  The contest is open to all students in grades 9 through 12 in any school in (County/area/district).  Enrollment in an art class is not required. Click on the links below for sample letters, forms and certificates:

Form 1: State Competition
Form 2: Flyer
Form 3: Student Fine Arts Policies
Form 4: Student Photography Policies
Form 5: Art Flyer
Form 6: Art Entry
Form 7: Student Juror Rubric


Purpose :  of the Creative Arts Exhibit is to give Members an opportunity to share their talent with our Order and to honor the Grand President by portraying the special theme for her term.  The exhibit is open to all members of the Native Daughters of the Golden West.

Category 1 – Member Fine Art
Category 2 – Member Photography
Category 3 – Member Handcrafts

Form 8: Member Rules
Form 9: Member Art Entry